Thursday, April 10, 2008

Stella the Pirate!

I'm quite certain that I have the cutest, sweetest baby in the entire world. If you disagree please don't shatter my dreams by leaving a comment on my blog telling me about a baby that you happen to think is more darling than mine... you would just be wrong!
We lowered Stella's crib since she has learned to pull up on things and stand. The other night we were out and she fell asleep in the car. Usually when this happens we move her from her car seat to the crib and she is out for the count... not anymore! On that particular night, I took my VERY asleep baby and laid her in her bed, she immediately rolled over and stood up at the side of her crib. I hurried and lay her down again... REPEAT. She was wide awake for two hours. I'm not sure how to teach her that sleep is better than standing. Anyhow, I got this really cute pictures out of the situation, so I guess it made it all worth it! My little jail bait!
Stella has had a clogged tear duct since she was born. Her right eye is very leaky and gooey most of the time. Its gotten worse since she has learned to use her hands. She rubs it all of the time because it bothers her. The doctor prescribed her an ointment($67 a tube the size of her little finger might I add that the insurance does not think they should pay for, so far we've gone through three tubes but it really helps so its all worth it!) that really helps. I apply it three to four times a day and it seems to make her feel better. The doctor said if it does not heal itself by the time she is nine months old then she will have to go in for surgery... he assures me that its minor but i'm quite certain I'll be an absolute crying wreck if this has to happen. It does seem to be better than when she was born, so hopefully it will be unclogged by then. Most mornings when I go to get Stella out of her crib she is missing, all I can find in her crib is this pirate! Despite her glued shut eye she usually has a huge smile on her face - happy to be awake? or happy to see her mama? I think the latter!
I love you Stell Bell, thansk for being such a sweetheart!


Suzie LeCheminant said...

Let's make her a patch! She is the cutest seven month old I know...hands down!

Anonymous said...

She really is the cutest little girl I have ever seen. Again, need I remind you that everyone says I hate children? So, I don't say that lightly. Did you also know that there's a national Talk Like A Pirate day? I think you should start preparing her now.

Olayan/DeGrey said...

I love her. She cracks me up and her mom is amazing. I think you should protest the insurance thing ;)

Blueberries N Cucumbers said...

She is darling! I love the pic, horrible she has the eye thing.. not good! I love her little eyes (the one I can see) they are so pretty! What a doll!

Unknown said...

Your pirate baby is awful cute!!

Hayward Family said...

Look at her!! She really is SO PRECIOUS!! What a CUTIE! I was so excited to see you guys on Saturday... I'm sorry it didn't work out, we need to get toegether VERY SOON so I can meet your little princess!!

Kalli said...

Love her and I am sorry she thinks standing is better than sleeping (I sure hope Kai doesn't start to do that), and sure hope Stella doesn't have to have the surgery but that pirate eye probably looks worse than it really is huh well I need to come visit you guys and just do it instead of continually telling you I am going to so we shall talk soon!

Kati said...

She is so cute!!

Nicole said...

She really is so cute! I hope her eye heals itself, poor little girl.

Natalie said...

Oh my goodness Stella - you really are the cutest thing! I love the pirate picture - that is priceless!

Krista Miller said...

uhmm....I am in love with Miss America....and would do nothing but agree with you that she is nothing but ADORABLE. Her auntie Krista sure does miss her cute face!!! And i realized today...that I haven't read anyones blogs in was good to catch up...I still miss seeing half your face across from my desk. Love you!!!

Nick said...

She may be missing an eye, but I still my little girl is the cutest ever!!! Pending she's actually mine.

Barbara said...

Found you through Emily's blog..I am Ashley's Simms mother in law..anyway I wanted to tell you that my son..who is now almost 30 years old had this when he was a baby.
I spent the whole first year of his life explaining his goopy eye to total strangers that asked about it.. I had to say that it was a clogged tear duc and It wouldn't matter how many times I would wipe I really feel what you are feeling..the picture is just like how I would find my Tyler each morning.
Loooong story short..It was a really simple proceedure. It was like a that what it is like these days? The eye was totaly normal hang in there...THey did it when he was a year old.
Fondly, Barbara