Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The IRS is my friend!

I don't remember the last time I got a tax refund. The first year Joe and I got married he was in for a rude awakening - we had to PAY taxes!! No"free money" to do what we want with! Being an independent contractor I technically considered self employed so I am 1099'd opposed to W2'd. Well this year things turned around... between quarterly payments to the IRS, three properties and a baby write off our accountant informed us we were getting a refund!! Well, our check came in the mail yesterday it was more than TRIPLE what we were expecting! I'm not sure if its a curse or a blessing. I wanted to immediately drive it to the bank and deposit it... cha-ching!! My very responsible husband talked me into doing some research before cashing the check. Hopefully we get to keep it all... I am sure I could think of 101 ways to spend the loot!


Suzie LeCheminant said...

CASH IT!! You can donate to a needy cause...or a needy friend...same thing :) At least let me help you shop for yourself with it!
Good luck, the IRS can be your #2 bff. I'll always be #1 even without the free money....I'm worth it.

Ashley, Clay, Eva, Beck, and Cash said...

Congratulations, that is awesome!!!

Kristina P. said...

Adam was an independent contractor for the first 18 months of our marriage, and I am also with my part-time job. It's a giant government scam! :) It royally sucks, and we actually got money back this year too! We've always been happy just to break even. Great plan with making quarterly payments. We should do that.

~ Angela said...

Congratulations!!! Unfortunately for us, we're still stuck in the "have to pay" sector. Hopefully some of what I paid went back to you. That wouldn't make me feel quite so bad. :)

Hayward Family said...

That's GREAT for you! I hope you get to keep it all!! :)

Nicole said...

Awesome! I hope you get to keep all the money!

Krista Miller said...

Oh my gosh!! Screw the IRS!! You take the refund and enjoy it! I paid them PLENTY of money to cover any mistakes if they weren't supposed to give you that big of a refund....You deserve it!!! I feel better knowing that you got money back....!!

R.B. and Cyndee Probert said...

Take the money while you can!! For the first few years we were married we had to pay. But after finally having our own home and properties, we actually get money back! Go on vacation!

Natalie said...

DA I am Jealous I am still in the having to pay boat-- :( I am happy you got money back-- Spend it Spend it Spend it!!!

Whitney, Greg and Kaya said...

Ya, i am with everyone else! screw the irs!! haha loves

Kalli said...

WEll Geez share the amount I am totally curious LOL we got our return and bought a $2000 helmet with it awesome huh! I say cash no research it isn't like it was a million dollars now was it?

Blueberries N Cucumbers said...

I love the aprons in the last picture, how darlin are those!