Thursday, March 13, 2008


I've joined Weight Watchers. I've decided its time that I get rid of this "baby weight". Stella is six months old now so I'm not sure how long I can use her as my excuse. I have committed myself to 16 weeks - I've joined in the past and lasted about a month. Monday I'll weigh in again for my 4th time. I'm really enjoying Weight Watchers this time around. My life is in a different place than it was when i joined in the past, single life took me out to eat all too regularly. I have been trying hard to cook healthy meals at night for Joe and myself. I bought a WW cookbook and the dishes have been delightful (with the exception of one). Joe is so nice to me when I cook - he always says its "REALLY GOOD".... when in all honestly its usually "just alright". I've lost 6.2 lbs to date - 2.8 week one, 2.4 week two and 1.4 week three. Joe is not doing WW with me, but just from eating what I cook he is losing weight too - more than me which makes me a little bit jealous! I really like WW though, I think its a great life style change that I can learn to stick with. Of course, occasionally I'll have my binge days where I think I need to eat everything in sight, but I'm keeping my mind set to my 20 lb weight loss goal. 13.8 lbs to go!!


Kristina P. said...

Good luck! I did it for about a month too, about 6 months ago, and then gave up. If I'm ever feeling extremely daring, maybe I'll post pictures of me when I weighed about 70 pounds more than I do now. I think I burned most of those pictures! Yikes! Adam as been doing WW, and is very dedicated. He's lost 22 pounds to date!

Natalie said...

I think I want to start that with you or I will never loose my baby weight..... oh wait that is just my weight from eating too much. You are inspiring me and I need to win the Biggest Looser :)

Malma said...

yay for you. I did WW for a while in nursing school with great results. I tried doing it again after having bella...but no willpower. Hmmm, maybe I'll try again.

~ Angela said...

Congratulations!! Weight Watchers is fabulous.

I've decided baby weight is an excuse forever. I'm still using the excuse at 21 months. ;) Only a few pounds to go, unfortunately, even though most of the baby weight is gone, things just aren't in the same places anymore. It's really depressing.

By the way, your blog makes other moms (like me) look bad. You're way too cute!

Kalli said...

Good job Les I hope you lose 21 lbs I know what you mean about placing the weight gain on the baby but the weight I have to lose still is from being pregnant because I ate everything I wanted I was bad!! I have lost 30 since I had Kai but I have 30 pounds left to lose so maybe a little weight watchers would help me too! I wish I could join but not right now. Anyways so sorry about Friday I want to meet up next week is Wednesday good for you cause we have Kai's helmet appointment at 2 that day so we could come before the appointment or on the way home? Let me know if that day is good for you.

Unknown said...

I had so much fun playingwith you and Stella yesterday! I will for sure join with you..I totally need a WW friend!

Kati said...

Good job Lel! As I sit here and eat my breakfast of left over spaghetti and a diet soda...I think I need help! WW...something! Uck..why can't we all just be skinny huh?