Over the weekend I made some jam with a little help from Joe and Ashley. It was a lot of fun (a special thanks to Michelle for giving me all the secrets to success!) First we made Peach and Cinnamon Peach - I was a little concerned when the recepie asked for 4 cups of fruit and 5 1/2 cups of sugar... it seemed wrong! So, I decided to make a batch with Splenda - Raspberry Peach - and it turned out great!!
Soo... all of this jam has got me thinking. Here is my idea... wanna play? I want to have a jam exchange! Here is how it works... its simple!
1. Tell me you want to participate and your flavor of choice(first ten people)
2. Make 10 jars of your favorite type of Jam or Jelly
3. Drop your Jam off to my house by Sept 15th
4. Wait for me and Stella to personally deliver 10 different types of Jam to your door!
Easy enough right? Wanna join?
I want to join but you need to teach me how to make jam!! I am liking that girls night idea.....
This is a great idea, and if I had the time I would totally be in.
I was actually planning stuff for the cookie exchange already, this weekend! I'm a little OCD. :)
So funny as I just made jam with my step-brother last Wednesday night! I never knew how easy it was (freezer jam that is). If you're okay with me participating, I'm so totally in! Do I need to use glass jars, or can plastic containers work as well? Oh, and I claim strawberry :)
I made a ton of apricot jam a couple of week ago and would love to exchange if that's okay. Let me know or I will just drop them by your house. Fun!
I am just impressed you made jam. I unfortunately do not. I wouldn't even know where to start Maybe my mom? ;)
I am just impressed you made jam. I unfortunately do not. I wouldn't even know where to start Maybe my mom? ;)
SO, if I signed up, would it get you to actually, personally deliver that jam to Scipio? Who am I kidding! I can't make jam!
I would love to but I have too much going on right now :(
Next time for sure!
I'm in!! I'll make nectarine jam......this is Kjirsten by the way. I don't remember my blogger password w/o my laptop.
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