Monday, August 10, 2009


About a week ago I was one lucky Aunt!!
My niece Rachel was in from Chicago and needed a babysitter for her five week old baby. I jumped at the chance to spend some quality time with my GREAT niece Daphne!
What an angel she was!
(It still weirds me out that I'm only 28 and already a great aunt)

Later that evening we watched Joe's sister Julie's girls. 10 week old Ella Marie and 6 year old Erin.

Ella was a little doll and I was loving up on more baby cuddles.

Stella surprisingly did not care that I was holding Miss Ella. She was having the time of her life with her cousin Erin. When Erin left she just kept telling me "best friends Erin, where's Erin go?"

The "big" girls had so much fun. Playing on the slide, running at the park, playing hopscotch, reading books and just being girls!

We'll be up to visit in Duchesne soon!

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